8,528 Afghan believers are in immediate need of rescue from the Taliban.

$500 saves the life of an Afghan believer.

The Lord is working in miraculous ways in Afghanistan. Biglife, along with other organizations, has already relocated 52,000 Afghan believers. To aid these 8,500+ believers, we need to raise $4.5 Million, $500 per person. Your donation helps with travel documents, transportation, and other relocation essentials.

What Does Living Big Look Like?

At the heart of Biglife is the need to see believers carry out the Great Commission by making disciples who make disciples. While refugees spread globally, so does the Kingdom of God. With a global network of disciple-makers, Biglife can provide aid during world crises and follow up with discipleship.

See how you can be a part of God’s movement in Afghanistan.

Learn more

For years, Biglife has continually sought out opportunities to deliver hope amid devastation. Since the US withdrew forces in Afghanistan, Biglife has safely relocated over 50,000 people.

Go behind the scenes with Biglife’s leadership to find out how.

Biglife in Afghanistan
Megan Alexander speaks with Biglife leadership about their on-the-ground network in Afghanistan and their unique position to aid thousands in danger under Taliban rule.
What is Biglife?
Leaders sit down with Megan Alexander to discuss the origin of Biglife, the faith that grounds their mission, and how you can join the global movement.

Live Big. Love Big. Give Big.

Innocent lives are on the line. Donate now to make a difference.

Donate Now

This will not be a small task. We need to raise $4.5 million, about $500 per person, to see all 8,500+ people moved.

Every gift makes a massive impact in the life of Afghan believers! God is at work in Afghanistan, and we invite you to join in our mission to see disciple-making movements grow all over the world!

But time is of the essence. Don’t wait—give now to be part of something bigger.

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