Planned Giving

Planned Giving

Ways to Give

Have you ever truly thought and prayed about what God wants you to do with your money and assets?

Your gifts to Biglife empower believers to reach and disciple their own people, sharing Christ’s love throughout the world. We offer smart and creative ways to give from your resources and increase your impact—often while benefiting your family, too.

By understanding the available options, you can multiply the end results of your generosity in ways that are simple, flexible, cost-effective, and extraordinarily powerful.

We know you care deeply about our mission. By letting Biglife know about your planned gifts, you can help us plan ahead to meet the ministry’s needs about which you care so much. You also give us the opportunity to thank and honor you now, for the difference you will make long after your lifetime.

Stories From Around The World

Vijaya Lama used to worship Hindu idols in Nepal. He was also a handy thief. But when he stole a Bible, that stolen Word changed his life. He surrendered to Jesus. Now Jesus is using Vijaya to steal hundreds of Hindus back from the grip of idolatry and sin. He travels from village to village in the mountain passes of Nepal, determined that even if the police come to arrest him for sharing the freedom of Jesus, he will not deny Christ. This video tells the story of how God’s Word is changing Nepal, one heart at a time.

Vijaya Lama - Nepal

Dieu Sanh, a rice farmer and a former Buddhist, has been sharing the love of Jesus with the people of Vietnam for many years. The authorities of Vietnam responded by imprisoning Dieu Sanh for many years. All he had to do to gain his freedom was to promise to stop telling people about Jesus. Though he missed his family, Dieu Sanh refused every time. “I will preach Jesus,” he said. This video shows how Jesus miraculously made a way for Dieu Sanh to go free, and then to go into all Vietnam.

Dieu Sanh - Vietnam
Security Risk Silhouette

In 2010, the last church building in Afghanistan was destroyed. There may have been as few as 400 Christians in the whole country. But since then, we’ve seen thousands of people give their lives to Jesus Christ in Afghanistan! How? Through the witness of some former Pashtun Muslims, that became fervent Christ followers. These leaders, and other courageous disciples are getting more and more Muslim Outreach Bibles into the hands of truth-seeking Afghans, despite the threat of Taliban and ISIS killers.

There are NO countries that are off limits to this disciple making strategy. Empowering believers to reach their own people has been at the core of what Biglife does worldwide. Watch as Benjamin declares how God is moving throughout Asia, and Europe and beyond. This growth has not come without a cost for our persecuted brothers and sisters, but our adversary will not stop God’s Kingdom from coming, and growing on earth! We remain United and Unafraid.

Benjamin Francis
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